Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diabetes mellitus in women.

The research team studied a group of 13,475 women from the Nurses' Health Study II. During 10 years of follow-up, 860 incident GDM cases were identified. After adjustment for known risk factors for GDM including age, family history of diabetes, parity, physical activity, smoking status, sugar-sweetened beverage intake, alcohol intake, prepregnancy BMI, and Western dietary pattern, intake of sugar-sweetened cola was positively associated with the risk of GDM. No significant association was found for other sugar-sweetened beverages or diet beverages.

"Compared with women who consumed less than 1 serving per month, those who consumed more than 5 servings per week of sugar-sweetened cola had a 22 percent greater GDM risk," notes Dr. Chen.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), defined as glucose intolerance beginning during pregnancy, is one of the most common pregnancy complications. Women with GDM are at increased risk for complications and illness during pregnancy and delivery, as well as post-pregnancy Type 2 diabetes. Children of mothers with GDM are at increased risk for obesity, glucose intolerance, and early onset diabetes.

Although the underlying mechanism remains unclear, available evidence suggests that the main defect in the development of GDM is relatively diminished insulin secretion coupled with pregnancy-induced insulin resistance. The researchers discuss a number of explanations of their findings. Consuming a large amount of sugar-sweetened beverages could contribute to a high glycemic load (GL) by providing a large amount of rapidly absorbable sugars. High-GL foods induce a greater plasma glucose response after eating which can result in insulin resistance and impaired beta cell function. (Pancreatic beta cells make insulin.) In addition, higher sugar intake itself may lead to impaired pancreatic cell function.

"We don't know why significant association was only found in sugar-sweetened cola, but not other types of sugar-sweetened beverages -- fruit drinks, other soft drinks, etc...," says Dr. Chen. "One of the explanations could be the tremendous popularity of cola in the US."

Previous studies in children and adults have shown that regular consumption of sugary drinks is associated with excess caloric intake, greater weight gain, and increased risk of obesity. Sugary drinks have also been linked to Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

"This is the first study on the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages on GDM risk," notes Dr. Chen. "This finding is important because sugar-sweetened beverages are the leading source of added sugars in the American diet, particularly in the age group most likely to conceive. Cutting down sugary drinks is clearly an important way to reduce this common pregnancy complication."

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2001, from 1977 to 2001, soft drink intake increased from 4.1 percent to 9.8 percent for 19- to 39-year-olds. In percentage terms, soft drink intake was highest among this age group in comparison to other ages.

Sign of diabetes mellitus.

Your body changes most of the food you eat into glucose (a form of sugar). Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows glucose to enter all the cells of your body and be used as energy.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when a person’s body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use insulin properly. When you have diabetes, the sugar builds up in your blood instead of moving into the cells. Too much sugar in the blood can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease and damage to the nerves and kidneys.

There are 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce any insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Between 90-95% of people who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.

The early stages of diabetes have very few symptoms, so you may not know you have the disease. But damage may already be happening to your eyes, your kidneys and your cardiovascular system even before you notice symptoms. Symptoms of diabetes may include the following:
* Extreme thirst
* Extreme hunger
* Frequent urination
* Sores or bruises that heal slowly
* Dry, itchy skin
* Unexplained weight loss
* Blurry vision
* Unusual tiredness or drowsiness
* Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
* Frequent or recurring skin, gum, bladder or vaginal yeast infections

If you are regularly experiencing any of these symptoms, call your family doctor right away.

Independent diabetes mellitus.

Generally, diabetes mellitus is treated by diet, exercise and drug medication or insulin pumps and injections for the type 1. However, continuous researches about this disease have led to the development of new treatment therapies such as:

1. Pancreatic Islet Transplantation (Islet of Langerhans)

2. Pancreas transplantation

3. The introduction of new drug using synthetic human insulin.

4. Insulin analogs, a medication that can mimic the action of insulin in the body.

To ensure the effective implementation of the diabetes mellitus treatment, diabetic patients should have deep understanding about the value of working closely with their physician and certified dieticians and educators. They can provide the patient with information about food nutrient contents, proper exercises and medicinal administration.

Diabetes mellitus meaning.

Generally, the diabetes mellitus treatment entails the promotion of a healthy diet and exercise routines to control the blood sugar level. Other medications needed to support the treatment will depend whether the diabetic is a type 1 or a type 2 sufferer.

Since the disease is mainly concerned with insulin production, the reader is likewise informed that insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Its role is to move the glucose (sugar) from the blood to the liver cells, fat and muscles so that the body can use it as energy. If there is an imbalance in the production of insulin versus the amount of glucose in the body, the result is high blood sugar level or diabetes.

There are three types of diabetes namely; Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes that require treatments in order to control the blood glucose level. Otherwise, the progression of a type 2 diabetes into becoming a type 1 is liable to take place. In addition, lack of care or treatment for all types of diabetes mellitus can lead to complications like heart disease and stroke.

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system of the body erroneously attacks the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas resulting to little or no production of insulin at all. This is common among children and young adults, hence, the moniker "juvenile diabetes".

This accounts for 5 to 10 percent of people with diabetes. Treatment includes a daily injection of insulin and oral medication. However, the latter is discouraged for this type of diabetes as this will only be digested by the stomach.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the produced insulin is insufficient to control the sugar or wherein the cells failed to react to the insulin known as insulin resistance. This used to be common among obese persons and now includes younger children due to the effects of high technology in their environment.

Children nowadays are often seen in front of computers and television sets instead of burning their calories by indulging in physical sports like basketball, tennis, badminton etc. They now comprise 90 to 95 percent of diabetics.

Gestational diabetes arises in the later months of pregnancy and is expected to vanish after birth but it can recur as type 2 . Patient with gestational diabetes should seek proper treatment from their physicians to avoid its progression into type 2 diabetes.

Define diabetes mellitus.

The symptoms and signs of high blood sugar are classified into two types - Common signs and Warning signs of diabetes. The chronic disorder of the body is classified as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Though the warning signs of high blood sugar are the same in all types of diabetes they differ with diabetics. Perhaps you might have come across such warning signs of increased blood glucose in your body. Yet, a deliberate clarification of signs of high blood sugar is presented in this juncture.

When a diabetic suffers with increased blood glucose there is greater chance for obesity health risks and other secondary risk factors such as heart problems, nerve damage, kidney damage, and stroke. The acquaintance of presence of diabetes symptoms can compel you to go for a screening test of diabetic sugar in your body.

Screening Tests for diabetesIf you go for test for diabetes with low or high blood sugar signs you can be safe against enhanced risk factors or bodily complications. If not diagnosed and treated properly to bring down the levels of blood sugar you cannot maintain your health. Here are three warning signs of high blood sugar which are to be seriously viewed.

Numbness and tingling sensation
Numbness and tingling sensation in hands and feet is a significant warning sign of high level of glucose in the bloodstream. It is true that the tingling sensation in hands or feet is a sure symptom of high blood sugar. This numbness is sometimes felt in the teeth gum also. Some diabetics may feel tingling sensation in the eye lids too. All these are indications of increased sugars finding their way everywhere.

Skin wounds not healingAnother symptom of blood glucose is the slow healing of wounds and infections. As the sugar increases in the blood vessels, the density of the blood increases. The thick blood cannot pass through the fine capillaries to heal the wounds. Cuts and wounds at the feet of the diabetic take longer time to healing, sometimes leading to amputation and gangrene in severe cases.

Thirst for water
The third symptom of high blood sugar is unquenchable thirst. It is a notable symptom because the thirst felt by a diabetic is quite extraordinary. It is not like taking one or two glasses of water on a hot day. Instead, the diabetic is seen very now and then opening the water jug and emptying with a devilish thirst.

Diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Diabetes medication is not always prescribed for type 2 diabetics. Your medical doctor will decide this based on your case. The higher your fasting blood level, the greater the chance that you will be given prescription medication.

The type of medication that is given to a type 1 diabetic is different than that given to a type 2 diabetic. That’s because the person diagnosed with type 1 diabetes cannot create the quantity of insulin he or she needs … whereas a type 2 diabetic is pumping out more than enough! As a type 2 diabetic, you would never be able to share medication with a a person with type 1 diabetes. Of course, sharing medication is against the law anyway!

Usually type 2 diabetics are given oral medications that are in the category called biguanides. One example of a biguanide is Metformin. These drugs lower blood sugar levels by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by your liver. They also increase the amount of insulin that the muscles in your body recognize as insulin and then use. Metformin is one of the most prescribed medications for type 2 diabetes.

Some health care providers will prescribe medications that stimulate the beta cells of your pancreas to release more insulin. Drugs that are used to do this fall into the category of sulfonylureas and meglitinides. The physician determines whether or not you will need these drugs by examining your insulin levels. It’s possible that your pancreas has been overworked so hard that it’s cells are not capable of producing enough insulin, and if that is the case, that is when he’ll prescribe these medications.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus definition.

Years ago, when someone received a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, they only had one choice … go on medication and consult with a dietitian for an hour or two. Luckily, things have changed. With thousands of research studies on the topic of diabetes, the world is different now. We know a thousand times more about diabetes than we knew 20 years ago!

We know that there is a gene that is associated with diabetes. We know how to create diabetes in the laboratory animals, how to measure blood sugar control over a three-month period, and what the ideal fasting blood sugar level is. We have better ways to deliver insulin to those via pumps (Type 1 Diabetics) and how to prevent problems in those who still give themselves injections. We know what to look for to identify the complications of diabetes and when to intervene so that these complications don’t become life-threatening.

All these are medical and technological advances but it’s the nutritional advances that are helping diabetics the most. We know that antioxidants quench free radicals that are created during infections, and diabetics are more prone to infections of all types. Scientists told us that cataracts were a result of the excess blood sugar that needed someplace to go. Researchers reported on the Glycemic Index for carbohydrate foods in the 1980s and diabetics learned that all carbohydrates are not equal. We learned that foods containing the most fiber were the ones that delayed the blood sugar rise after a meal. We discovered that certain foods and herbs contained medicinal constituents that had the potential to lower blood sugar levels and that if we consistently ate them, our blood sugar levels could be drastically lower.

What many people have discovered now is that the more that Type 2 Diabetics focus on their diet, the more quickly they can regain control over their blood sugar levels. The result of this is less chance of developing complications such as peripheral neuropathy, dementia, cataracts, infections, high cholesterol, kidney damage and high blood pressure.

Whenever you are starting any type of protocol for beating Type 2 Diabetes, it is really important to start with diet. Reduce the carbohydrate foods that are high on the Glycemic Index (GI) scale. Replace the hydrogenated fat foods with ones rich in healthy fats such as avocados. Stop eating sugar and processed foods and only let foods touch your lips that are wholesome. Take your supplements to insure that you have healthy levels of all nutrients that your body needs. Don’t give your body a reason to have diabetes.

Complications (type 2 mellitus).

Type 2 diabetes is a long and progressive condition and the longer you have diabetes, the more apt you are to have complications. As you know when people have type 2 diabetes, their bodies are unable to use glucose properly and it accumulates at high levels in their blood stream. This causes damage to blood vessels, nerves and so many organs. But it is possible for you to avoid these complications.

First let's look at the possible damage from high and uncontrolled blood sugar levels:

1. Kidney disease is one of the major complications of diabetes and after many years it can lead to end-stage kidney failure. This is when your kidneys are no longer able to filter the blood properly. Diabetics who reach this stage are on dialysis several time a week. Dialysis to get rid of toxins in the blood is the only treatment other than a kidney transplant.

2. Diabetes neuropathy is another condition which presents itself over time. Blood flow is reduced to your body's extremities, such as your hands and feet. Pain travels down the nerves along the arms and legs. Sometimes there is also nerve damage which causes a loss of feeling in hands, feet, fingers and toes. Blood flow to these locations is also reduced, sometimes causing infections and gangrene which could lead to limb amputations... this is more common in the legs.

3. Vision problems, which can end in blindness, are another long-term complications. The most common is diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in the United States. It is caused by a reduction in the blood flow to the eye, particularly the retina. Cataracts and glaucoma are also common in type 2 diabetics.

Really caring for yourself will stop these complications:

If you have type 2 diabetes, there are several things you can do to take care of yourself which can slow or even prevent entirely some of the complications mentioned above. It is true the longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to develop these various complications but that doesn't mean you have to. Self-care efforts which result in good blood sugar control can be successful.

Here is how to prevent complications from type 2 diabetes:

accept the fact that you have diabetes and make a decision to manage it. Ask for help when you need it
visit your doctor every three months for a diabetes HbA1c test, which averages your blood sugar for the last three months. Keep it down to 6% or in the normal range... not the normal range for diabetics
have an eye exam at least once a year
quit smoking
control you blood pressure and cholesterol levels
stick to your diabetes eating plan and exercise regularly
take a baby aspirin a day to prevent blood clots which can result in heart attacks and strokes
take good care of your feet and prevent infections
drink alcohol in moderation. No more than 2 drinks occasionally
learn how to eliminate as much stress as possible. Stress causes blood sugar levels to rise.

While type 2 diabetes can have some serious complications, managing your diabetes as well as you can each and every day, will give you a longer, healthier life. You will get your body back into shape and have lower blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar ( type 2 mellitus).

The classic symptoms of high blood sugar are classified under the domain of unlucky persons termed diabetics. This chronic ailment can be further characterized into type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. However the symptoms of high blood glucose level remain same in all the categories of diabetes. All those who ever had experienced signs of high blood sugar will find nothing new in this article; however a little bit more clarification.

All those who are at an increased risk of diabetics, because of the family history or because of their inactive lifestyle, must read through the following passages. The following reading may help you to understand the symptoms of high blood sugar and lead you to go for a diabetes screening test.

The diabetes screening tests are quick, inexpensive and painless; so there is nothing that one should worry about. Above all the diabetes screening test and timely diagnosis of the problem will help you in saving lot of troubles in near future. Let's check the signs of high blood sugar. These main symptoms of high glucose levels are real alarming bells and one must learn to listen to these sign.

Tingling and numbness sensation in hands and feet is a top warning symptom of high glucose. This sounds ridiculous but this sensation is more like feeling of heart beat in hands or feet. The teeth of the diabetic person remain sticky in spite of thorough cleaning and proper brushing. The reason behind this is excessive circulation of sugar in blood that is then poured in the mouth along with saliva.

The diabetic may feel a tingling sensation around the eyelids. This again is directly linked with excessive level of increased blood sugar flowing in the system. This increased level of glucose is finding their way everywhere. The next alarming symptom of high blood sugar is slow and poor healing of infection and wounds. The density of the blood of the diabetic person increases; so the smaller capillaries that are closer to the surface of the skin find it difficult to receive fresh blood. The result is that healing of the skin is hampered. Small wounds and cuts at the feet of the diabetics take a longer healing time. In severe case it may even lead to amputation and gangrene.

Another classic symptom of high glucose levels is unquenchable thirst. This is an obvious and a notable symptom of all others. This is not simply a requirement of an extra one or two glasses of water like a normal person feels on a hot day. Rather this is an exaggerated version of this. Diabetics feel a nonstop urge of liquids throughout the day and night that do not have any bounds.

Do you want to have a free diabetic meal plan specifically designed according to your personal requirement? If yes, then check Signs Of Diabetes. This will help to design a meal plan that has the ability to control Dangerous Blood Sugar Levels in a way that you'll end saying where is my Blood Sugar?

Signs Of Diabetes .

This is the frequently asked question by many diabetics. Most diabetics are worried to know the normal range blood sugar levels. There are few diabetes related tests which help to diagnose diabetes even at pre-diabetic stage. Some diabetes related test help the diabetic to ascertain how well he is managing his disease.

Following are the diabetes testsFasting Blood Sugar Test: This is the blood test that measures the glucose level after a fat of around 8 hours. The level of fasting blood glucose should be not more than 100 mg/dL. If the level of fasting blood glucose is between 100 mg/dL and 125 mg/dL then the condition is termed prediabetes. If the glucose level is more than 125 mg/dL then it means that person is suffering from diabetes. To confirm the diagnosis the doctor may ask you to repeat the same fasting blood glucose test on the next day. If the blood sugar level is more that 126 mg/dL for two consecutive tests, then it is a clear indication that person may be suffering from diabetes. However if the blood sugar level is above 200 mg/dL and the person is experiencing signs of diabetes then it is a clear indication that the person is diabetic. If signs of diabetes like excessive thirst, increased urination, tiredness and blurred vision are present then the doctor may confirm the diagnosis of the disease without any further screening test.

Random Blood Glucose Test: Random test measures the level of blood glucose at any time during the day. This level should be less than 200 mg/dl. If the random blood glucose level is between 140 and 200 mg/dl then it signals that diabetes have started to set its feet in the tested person. This condition is termed prediabetic.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: This test measures the response of your body towards sugar. First of all the present blood sugar level of the person is measured. After this a glucose solution that contains around 175 gm glucose is given to the diabetic. The blood glucose level is then measured after regular intervals of 30 minutes for 6 times. In case the person is non diabetic his blood sugar level does not raise at any time above 140 mg/dl. The level between 140 and 199 suggests that person is pre diabetic. If the level of blood glucose is 200 mg/dl or more than this then the person s suffering from fu;; bloom diabetes.

Glycated Hemoglobin Test: This test is not for the diagnosis of the diabetic condition. It signals that how well a person is managing his diabetes since the previous 3 months. Normal blood glucose value should be less than 7. If the level s above this level then the doctor must change the treatment plan.

The Behavioral Changes .

We all know that people who are suffering from diabetes are forced to face the everyday challenges in their lives that seem to be unimaginable. These challenges include multiple insulin shots, checking and recording one's glucose level once in a while, and of course, being cautious about the foods that you eat and when you think of them, these are already enough to make you feel like you could not lead a normal life just like before.

Though for some, they may view it as a burden but there are also persons who have managed to cope with their day-to-day struggles. That is why they say, these are not just the changes that you have to deal with when you have type 1 diabetes. There are also those behavioral changes type 1 diabetes patients are undergoing because of their illness.
One of the many behavioral changes that type 1 diabetes patients are having is that they feel depressed and anxious brought about by numerous reasons. One of which is because of the demands of the regimen that they would have to adhere to in order for them to cope with the illness. Not only that, behavioral changes of people with type 1 diabetes are also brought about by the unpleasantness of the regimen and being forever prisoner of it that leads to feeling of hopelessness and feelings of isolation. Though unfortunate as it may seem, but these behavioral changes of people with type 1 diabetes are having clearly affects their ability to improve their situation and thus, only affects their health more in a negative way.

Studies have shown that people who had a very positive and healthy outlook on all the regimens and extensive cares that they would have to do for themselves clearly affect their glucose levels and overall health. They have shown more improvement as compared to those people who took it negatively thus; their behavioral changes were affected because of their type 1 diabetes.

What To Do

To help avoid these negative behavioral changes of people with type 1 diabetes and to also help them cope with their everyday struggle to be healthier, health organizations and institutions have conducted lots of methods to improve their outlook. One of the things that they are advocating is to propagate knowledge on what patients could do for themselves, help them have the skills to perform self-care activities, and of course, patients should have more social support.

These may seem little ways, but clearly, these would greatly affect and create a positive impact on those people dealing with type 1 diabetes. If you think you could help in some way, contact and become a volunteer and surely, you would make a difference.

The symptoms and signs of high blood sugar .

The symptoms and signs of high blood sugar are classified into two types - Common signs and Warning signs of diabetes. The chronic disorder of the body is classified as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Though the warning signs of high blood sugar are the same in all types of diabetes they differ with diabetics. Perhaps you might have come across such warning signs of increased blood glucose in your body. Yet, a deliberate clarification of signs of high blood sugar is presented in this juncture.

When a diabetic suffers with increased blood glucose there is greater chance for obesity health risks and other secondary risk factors such as heart problems, nerve damage, kidney damage, and stroke. The acquaintance of presence of diabetes symptoms can compel you to go for a screening test of diabetic sugar in your body.

Screening Tests for diabetes
If you go for test for diabetes with low or high blood sugar signs you can be safe against enhanced risk factors or bodily complications. If not diagnosed and treated properly to bring down the levels of blood sugar you cannot maintain your health. Here are three warning signs of high blood sugar which are to be seriously viewed.

Numbness and tingling sensation

Numbness and tingling sensation in hands and feet is a significant warning sign of high level of glucose in the bloodstream. It is true that the tingling sensation in hands or feet is a sure symptom of high blood sugar. This numbness is sometimes felt in the teeth gum also. Some diabetics may feel tingling sensation in the eye lids too. All these are indications of increased sugars finding their way everywhere.

Skin wounds not healing
Another symptom of blood glucose is the slow healing of wounds and infections. As the sugar increases in the blood vessels, the density of the blood increases. The thick blood cannot pass through the fine capillaries to heal the wounds. Cuts and wounds at the feet of the diabetic take longer time to healing, sometimes leading to amputation and gangrene in severe cases.

Thirst for water
The third symptom of high blood sugar is unquenchable thirst. It is a notable symptom because the thirst felt by a diabetic is quite extraordinary. It is not like taking one or two glasses of water on a hot day. Instead, the diabetic is seen very now and then opening the water jug and emptying with a devilish thirst.

Diabetes is a common ...

...form of disease condition caused by the presence of excess free sugar in the blood stream. Diabetes basically results from either the malfunctioning of hormone insulin (type 1 diabetes) or though metabolic disorder (type 2 or diabetes mellitus). It is common to the growing adults. There is no doubt that glucose is essential for all metabolic activities for supply of energy.

Normally, when glucose is released into the blood stream, the liver organ functions to mop up the excess through conversion to glycogen, which is stored. However, during fasting, the glycogen is reconverted to glucose, released into the blood stream for energy matter. Hormone insulin is regulatory in function, but fear and other accidental discoveries forces insulin to release glucose into the blood stream to provide energy for escape

Vitamin C contains ascorbic acid, made up of the oil-soluble and water soluble-ends. It is a weak acid, hence has the capacity to exchange hydrogen with some light metals in the activity series, during acid-base titration. Ascorbic acid works to prevent diabetes by mopping up free radicals in the blood stream. The free radicals cause damage to the vital organs in the body.

As a result of concentration differences of vitamin C in fruits, the ascorbic acid content also differs. Rather than consuming in excess a particular fruit that may end up making one susceptible to diabetes, take a mixture of five different fruits along with vegetables. This explains why the market today is flooded with fruit juices and concentrates. However, the vitamin C type needed is present in raw fruits only and not in the processed fruits whose vitamin C might have been denatured.
Therefore, the higher the Vitamin C concentration, the lower the probability of developing diabetes. Vitamin C present in higher concentration can also reduce the risk of obesity and other complications such as strokes, arteriolosclerosis (hardening of the blood vessels), renal (kidney) failure and cardiac disorders. High concentration of Vitamin C improves blood sugar control and reduces cholesterol and fat content. This implies that there exists an inverse relationship between ascorbic acid and the blood sugar; the higher the ascorbic content, the lower the blood sugar and vice-versa.

At this juncture, only raw (natural) fruits could solve the problems of precipitated by diabetes and please do not consume in excess; consult a nutrition expert for medical guide. Vegetables contains roughages, vitamins, minerals effective to mop up free radicals in the blood stream, Bitter leave vegetable ranks the best in reducing blood sugars.

Nearly all fruits are low in fats, rich in nutrients and vitamin, but with varying degree of free sugar. The following fruits with higher sugar contents, however, should be played down upon when combating diabetes:
1. Mango
2. Custard apple
3. Bananas
4. Chikoo
5. Grapes

I. Grape Fruits - Refreshing flavour; highly medicinal; capable of reducing blood sugar in the next 72hours; eat more vegetables while taken grape fruits for quick result
II. Jambul - Rose Apple (jambul) Hormone repairs pancreas to halt converting starch into frees sugars; seeds can be pulverised into powder and taken with water; the bark can be powdered for consumption.
III. Apple - Rich in pectin which produces acid that neutralizes poisonous waste from the body; its vitamin B1 content prevents damage of the brain cells during diabetic acidosis

As a result of varying degree of ascorbic acid concentration, consuming at least five different fruits is recommended to prevent and control diabetes. Fruits and vegetables are the complementary pair to fight diabetes to a standstill; always go for fruits and vegetables that are lower in sugar contents. However, the effectiveness of fruits in depressing blood sugar is also a function of timing, size of fruits consumed and table manner.

If you have type 2 diabetes .

It seems counter intuitive that non-insulin dependent diabetics should ever need to take insulin, but despite the advice of scores of diabetes experts who don't actually have diabetes, insulin is the one treatment that will always lower blood sugar levels in any kind of diabetes.

The benefit of taking insulin injections if you have type 2 diabetes is that injected insulin gives your pancreas a break. The injected insulin will then lower blood sugar levels and prevent further damage to the insulin-making beta cells.

The kind of insulin that benefits type 2 diabetics the most, depends on whether they tend to have high blood sugar levels before or after meals. There is a small number of type 2 diabetics who have a problem with high blood sugars in the morning but not after meals. These diabetics experience the "dawn phenomenon".

This unusual feature of diabetes results from the liver's abnormal response to pulses of stress hormones an hour or two before the usual waking time. The liver converts stored glycogen into glucose so the body can get "up and running" immediately at wake-up time. In this form of diabetes, which is common in women who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), the underlying problem is with stress hormones. This pattern of high blood sugars is treated with "slow" insulin taken before going to bed.

The majority of type 2 diabetics, at least at first, have deficiencies of "first phase" insulin. Their beta cells continue to make insulin, but they can't release enough to cover the sudden load of glucose which follows on from digesting a meal. Most diabetics need injections of "fast" insulin 15 to 60 minutes before eating to keep blood glucose from getting too high.

Unfortunately, most type 2 diabetics get the exact opposite of the kind of insulin they need. If you are getting a fast insulin when you need a slow insulin, you will still have high fasting blood sugars but you'll also risk "falling out" when you exercise or if you don't eat enough. If you are getting a slow insulin when you need a fast insulin, your blood sugars will continue to soar after meals and your muscles and liver will become more and more insulin resistant.

And any diabetic who gets a mixture of the slower N and faster R insulins in a 50-50 or 70-30 mix is going to have blood sugars that are too high or too low essentially 24 hours a day.

Insulin is the one treatment for type 2 diabetes that will always lower blood sugar levels but it's really important to get the right kind. Be sure your doctor has tested both your fasting and post-prandial (after-meal) blood sugar levels and has explained exactly what insulin injections can do for your type 2 diabetes!


Diabetes in children is a disease that is severe in nature but can be managed through medication, use of insulin injection or healthy lifestyle of your choice. This is the result if the body is not able to regulate blood sugar levels by itself. It is caused by lack of enough insulin, a hormone which breaks down and changes glucose into the blood. Diabetes mellitus (type II diabetes) and diabetes insipidus (type I diabetes) are the two kinds of diabetes. Type I diabetes is the kind that attack children.

Common symptoms that can be seen in children with diabetes are thirst, loss of weight, headaches, frequent urination, pain in the abdomen and problems in behavior.

In order not to acquire diabetes in children, high blood sugar level must be prevented. Hyperglycemia, high blood sugar happens if the sugar (glucose) level goes up above normal. It is difficult to maintain the level of the child because of the speedy growth during teen years.

Elevated readings tend to increase gradually, usually in a period of hours or days. But if you take large meals or skip insulin dose it will increase rapidly (typically within a few hours). Gradual elevation in blood sugar can make someone tired and thirsty. Continued elevation can cause harm in the heart, eyes, kidneys, blood vessels and nerves. If the blood sugar of your child goes on raising like his or her kidneys increase the production of urine, dehydration will occur. It is risky because he or she will suffer coma and eventually dies when your child becomes dehydrated severely.

There are three steps that could assist you to get rid of problems in high blood sugar:

1. Regularly, test the blood sugar level of your child especially in the duration of illnesses.The symptoms of high blood sugar level like fatigue, increase in urination and thirst are not seen in every child.

2. Consult your doctor whenever there is a frequent elevation in the readings or when the level stays consistently above normal range.

3. To prevent dehydration, advice your child to take extra water or non-caffeinated and drinks that are sugar-free.

Special Child Diabetic Care -
It is very important to have a regular monitor of blood sugar. The most appropriate times are during meals and at night before going to sleep. Normal scale of blood glucose is 80 to 120. If you have elevated reading, insulin is needed to bring down the level. Eating carbohydrates and proteins are needed to ensure that your level will go up, if your blood glucose level is below the scale of 80. Change in diet or medication or even insulin scale, is needed when your blood glucose fluctuates.This is the reason why checking up the blood glucose regularly is very important.

Annual examination of the eyes is needed if you are diabetic. Diabetic retinopathy is a severe condition if not stopped will lead to blindness. The small blood vessels in the eyes erupt or burst if you have diabetic retinopathy. Visiting the ophthalmologist is necessary to check your eyes also.

Make sure the good circulation of the lower extremities especially the legs and feet. You can use special shoes and socks to aid you. Be aware of some sores that will develop in your feet. There is a tendency for diabetic patients for slow healing and the sores will lead to cutting of toes, feet and even legs.

Another side effect of diabetes in children is kidney problem and if this happens it will require dialysis. All of these can be prevented if you maintain the normal level of your blood glucose by eating healthy and continue to exercise regularly and have a healthy lifestyle.

A new type 2 diabetes 2010 diet .

Often those with high blood sugar do not realize the danger that they are in. They often wait and use typical diets that do not stop the poison blood glucose. As an example the typical diabetic diet of removing sugar and fats do not stop the spreading poison in the bloodstream. A type 2 diabetes diet 2010 will probably now include sugar as a good thing to balance the body. Science has shown that removing sugar for artificial sweeteners can make diabetes worst. The diets of the past which were based on sugar removal were found not to work because studies have revealed sugar does not cause diabetes. Those over 50 are also losing legs and kidneys to this illness.

There is a new type 2 diabetes 2010 diet by a filmmaker that has been helping many people in the United States and as far away as Saudi Arabia. This diet allows you to eat what you like and still get a normal blood sugar level. Unlike past diets this one actually heals the insulin problem naturally. You may see the diabetes reversal diet by clicking here Type 2 diabetes reverse diet

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We all need a certain amount of sugar in our bodies for energy. We get this sugar from the food that we eat. This sugar is also called "glucose." The glucose in our blood, "blood glucose" (or blood sugar) must pass into our cells before it can work to produce energy. Glucose is carried into our cells by a chemical called "insulin." We need insulin to carry the glucose from our blood into our cells in order for our bodies to produce energy.

When our bodies do not produce enough insulin to carry the blood sugar into our cells, we don't have enough energy. Because the sugar is not going into our cells it gets higher and higher in our blood. This increase in blood glucose may mean that you have diabetes. Sometimes people have called this "sugar diabetes." The actual term is Diabetes Mellitus and is abbreviated DM.

Other Symptoms Associated with Diabetes.

In many cases, people do not discover that they have diabetes until later in life or until after they have had the disease for a period of time. In fact, the earliest signs of diabetes often go unnoticed or are given very little attention by those that experience them. While over 17 million people in the United States have already been diagnosed with diabetes, there are still over 5 million people with the disease that have not been diagnosed yet. Each year, nearly 2 million people over the age of 20 years old are discovered to be person with diabetes. With these alarming numbers, it is very important to carefully examine and understand the symptoms associated with diabetes. Anytime that symptoms associated with diabetes do occur, it is essential to give them attention and discuss them with a doctor.

Early Diabetes Symptoms
Catching diabetes as early as possible is the key to controlling it and preventing damage from it. However, these early symptoms are the hardest signs to detect. An extreme and uncontrollable thirst or hunger and the frequent need to restroom are some of the most common early signs of the disease. Remaining thirsty after drinking is an important red flag not to miss. Any changes in your diet or urinating needs are also often enough cause to consult a doctor. In addition, if there are unexplained changes in your weight, you should make an appointment to see a physician.

Other than a noticeable change in eating, urinating, and weight, there are several other factors that may indicate a problem with the insulin in your body. If you find that you have sores or bruises that are refusing to heal or that are slow to heal, you may have a cause to be concerned. Itchy and dry skin, blurry vision, extreme tiredness, irritability, tingling of the hands and feet, and reoccurring infections of the gums, bladder, and skin, all lead to the suspicion of diabetes. Many women with diabetes find that they frequently have yeast infections as well.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms that you experience may help indicate which type of diabetes that you have. Type 1 diabetes is less common than Type 2 diabetes and typically occurs more often in children. Diabetes of this kind is caused by the lack of insulin. The most likely seen signs of this kind of diabetes are the need to drink, eat, and urinate more often, tiredness, irritability, and weight loss.

Type 2 Diabetes Signs

Type 2 diabetes is more commonly found in older people. These people may be overweight. This kind of diabetes is often associated with insulin resistance. The symptoms found with Type 2 diabetes include the common signs of Type 1 diabetes plus frequent infections, blurred vision, slow healing wounds, and the numbness of the hands and feet.

Being able to take notice of the details of your symptoms can often help you and your doctor understand more about your disease and how to treat it. With the growing number of people being diagnosed with the disease each year, it is important to be aware of the diabetes symptoms. Keep in mind that awareness is the key to early detection.

Noninsulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus.

There are two types of Diabetes Mellitus. The most common form between the two is the second type. Type 2 Diabetes is also medically known as noninsulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Compared to Type 1, the pancreatic beta cells of the person with Type 2 Diabetes produce insulin. In fact, when the blood insulin level is measured, it may be found to be low, normal or high. However, there are abnormalities of insulin secretion coupled with abnormal responses to the insulin at the cellular level.

90% of known diabetics have this kind of type. It is also more common in women than in men among the African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians. It is not common among the whites. It can occur at any age but the gradual onset is usually after the age of 30. Those also at risk are people who have history of obesity or those who are currently overweight. Moreover, heredity is also a risk factor for this type of disease.

The onset of this type is gradual that is why it may be present to the affected person without his knowledge. The Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 symptoms may or may not be present. But usually, the there are three cardinal signs of this disease which is usually common in both types. When you experience this kind of signs or when you notice it with a family member at home, then you better seek medical consult immediately.

The first one is polydipsia which is the intake of large amounts of fluids. The patient may feel thirsty all the time and drinks a lot of cold water. Polyphagia is the second symptom wherein the person may manifest a large intake of food. Due to the problem in the consumption of glucose in the cellular level, a person may feel hungry all the time and will look for something to eat. The last sign is polyuria where the patient excretes large amounts of urine. All day long, the patient goes to the comfort room. Sleep pattern is even altered due to the urge in urination even at night.

The best diagnostic test for this is to check your blood glucose levels according to the routine done by the hospital. This will monitor any increase or decrease in the level which will help in the Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis. It can also be checked from the amount of glucose found in your urine.

The disorder is commonly undiagnosed until symptoms of a vascular and neuropathic long-term complication cause the patient to seek medical attention. For instance, some patients are diagnosed when they present to the health care team complaining of impotence, burning pain in the feet, recurrent skin infections or infections in the genital area. Many other patients are diagnosed incidentally with routine blood tests.

If you think you have the above risk factors and you have been experiencing some of the symptoms then you better consult a medical team about it. You must not wait for any life-threatening complications to happen to you before you rush to a hospital.

Gestational diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus (most commonly called "diabetes") is a medical condition triggered by an endocrine system imbalance, caused by the lack of production of the blood sugar regulating hormone insulin, or increased resistance to its effects. In Type I diabetes, the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas fail to produce insulin, usually because of an immune system response that kills the cells; this is also called juvenile diabetes. In Type II diabetes, the body's ability to absorb and process insulin gradually decreases, and is most common in older patients, particularly those that are overweight or under a great deal of stress. Gestational diabetes is a temporary trigger of diabetes-like symptoms triggered by the rush of hormones needed for pregnancy.

The generalized symptoms of diabetes mellitus are subtle. The first real clues that most people have that they have diabetes is that they're thirsty more often than not, and have to urinate more frequently, particularly for type II diabetes with a late adult-hood onset. Without insulin to pull blood glucose, your body uses water to flush the excess (or what it thinks is the excess) from your system.

Other symptoms for diabetes include flu-like symptoms of fatigue and weakness and loss of appetite. What's happening is that your body isn't absorbing as much blood sugar as it used to, letting you feel run down. Related to this can be sudden changes in weight, either because you're eating more (to keep up with the loss of blood sugar absorption) or loose weight as your body cannibalizes other tissues to make up the lack. Most people with type I diabetes mellitus are significantly underweight.

Other symptoms include difficulty in fighting off infections, impaired eyesight due to retinal damage, and bleeding gums.

The primary diabetes medication regimen is getting insulin replacement, and modifying the patient's diet. For very early stages of type II diabetes, dietary changes alone can ameliorate most of the symptoms. For type I and advanced stages of type II, a mixture of diet and taking insulin are the primary treatment.

Insulin replacement can be handled through direct injection, at about the time that the patient needs to eat, or via a device called the insulin pump, which puts out a basal insulin level and can be triggered to give a boost after meals. In both cases, the diabetic needs to keep track of their blood glucose levels to know when they need to take an injection, and they need to be aware of the glycemic index value of foods they're considering eating.