Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Complications (type 2 mellitus).

Type 2 diabetes is a long and progressive condition and the longer you have diabetes, the more apt you are to have complications. As you know when people have type 2 diabetes, their bodies are unable to use glucose properly and it accumulates at high levels in their blood stream. This causes damage to blood vessels, nerves and so many organs. But it is possible for you to avoid these complications.

First let's look at the possible damage from high and uncontrolled blood sugar levels:

1. Kidney disease is one of the major complications of diabetes and after many years it can lead to end-stage kidney failure. This is when your kidneys are no longer able to filter the blood properly. Diabetics who reach this stage are on dialysis several time a week. Dialysis to get rid of toxins in the blood is the only treatment other than a kidney transplant.

2. Diabetes neuropathy is another condition which presents itself over time. Blood flow is reduced to your body's extremities, such as your hands and feet. Pain travels down the nerves along the arms and legs. Sometimes there is also nerve damage which causes a loss of feeling in hands, feet, fingers and toes. Blood flow to these locations is also reduced, sometimes causing infections and gangrene which could lead to limb amputations... this is more common in the legs.

3. Vision problems, which can end in blindness, are another long-term complications. The most common is diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in the United States. It is caused by a reduction in the blood flow to the eye, particularly the retina. Cataracts and glaucoma are also common in type 2 diabetics.

Really caring for yourself will stop these complications:

If you have type 2 diabetes, there are several things you can do to take care of yourself which can slow or even prevent entirely some of the complications mentioned above. It is true the longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to develop these various complications but that doesn't mean you have to. Self-care efforts which result in good blood sugar control can be successful.

Here is how to prevent complications from type 2 diabetes:

accept the fact that you have diabetes and make a decision to manage it. Ask for help when you need it
visit your doctor every three months for a diabetes HbA1c test, which averages your blood sugar for the last three months. Keep it down to 6% or in the normal range... not the normal range for diabetics
have an eye exam at least once a year
quit smoking
control you blood pressure and cholesterol levels
stick to your diabetes eating plan and exercise regularly
take a baby aspirin a day to prevent blood clots which can result in heart attacks and strokes
take good care of your feet and prevent infections
drink alcohol in moderation. No more than 2 drinks occasionally
learn how to eliminate as much stress as possible. Stress causes blood sugar levels to rise.

While type 2 diabetes can have some serious complications, managing your diabetes as well as you can each and every day, will give you a longer, healthier life. You will get your body back into shape and have lower blood sugar levels.

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