Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Type 2 diabetes mellitus definition.

Years ago, when someone received a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, they only had one choice … go on medication and consult with a dietitian for an hour or two. Luckily, things have changed. With thousands of research studies on the topic of diabetes, the world is different now. We know a thousand times more about diabetes than we knew 20 years ago!

We know that there is a gene that is associated with diabetes. We know how to create diabetes in the laboratory animals, how to measure blood sugar control over a three-month period, and what the ideal fasting blood sugar level is. We have better ways to deliver insulin to those via pumps (Type 1 Diabetics) and how to prevent problems in those who still give themselves injections. We know what to look for to identify the complications of diabetes and when to intervene so that these complications don’t become life-threatening.

All these are medical and technological advances but it’s the nutritional advances that are helping diabetics the most. We know that antioxidants quench free radicals that are created during infections, and diabetics are more prone to infections of all types. Scientists told us that cataracts were a result of the excess blood sugar that needed someplace to go. Researchers reported on the Glycemic Index for carbohydrate foods in the 1980s and diabetics learned that all carbohydrates are not equal. We learned that foods containing the most fiber were the ones that delayed the blood sugar rise after a meal. We discovered that certain foods and herbs contained medicinal constituents that had the potential to lower blood sugar levels and that if we consistently ate them, our blood sugar levels could be drastically lower.

What many people have discovered now is that the more that Type 2 Diabetics focus on their diet, the more quickly they can regain control over their blood sugar levels. The result of this is less chance of developing complications such as peripheral neuropathy, dementia, cataracts, infections, high cholesterol, kidney damage and high blood pressure.

Whenever you are starting any type of protocol for beating Type 2 Diabetes, it is really important to start with diet. Reduce the carbohydrate foods that are high on the Glycemic Index (GI) scale. Replace the hydrogenated fat foods with ones rich in healthy fats such as avocados. Stop eating sugar and processed foods and only let foods touch your lips that are wholesome. Take your supplements to insure that you have healthy levels of all nutrients that your body needs. Don’t give your body a reason to have diabetes.

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